Designing a Template-Based Map Generator for Heroes of Might & Magic III
Dawid Skowronek, Grzegorz Kodrzycki
engineer thesis, 2025 [pdf] [slides]
Implementing an agent with reinforcement learning elements for Scripts of Tribute card game
Rafał Stochel
engineer thesis, 2024 [pdf]
Developing an AI Agent for the Urban Rivals Card Game
Marcelina Oset
engineer thesis, 2024 [pdf]
Developing New Track for Strategy Card Game AI Competition: Constructed Mode
Krzysztof Bednarek
master thesis, 2024 [pdf]
Implementacja silnika microRTS na platformę CodinGame (in Polish)
(eng. Implementation of microRTS engine for CodinGame platform)
Mikołaj Motak
engineer thesis, 2024 [pdf]
Porównanie zabezpieczeń przed botami w istniejących aplikacjach internetowych (in Polish)
(eng. Comparing bot protection in existing web applications)
Mateusz Kisiel
engineer thesis, 2024 [pdf]
AI do gry Urban Rivals: The Rift Mode (in Polish)
(eng. AI for Urban Rivals game: The Rift Mode)
Marcin Martowicz
bachelor thesis, 2023 [pdf]
Developing Card Playing Agent for Tales of Tribute AI Competition
Adam Ciężkowski, Artur Krzyżyński
bachelor thesis, 2023 [pdf]
Combining Deep Reinforcement Learning and Monte Carlo Tree Search
Jelle W. M. Jansen
master thesis, 2023 [pdf] (co-supervised with Mark H. M. Winands)
Implementing Tales of Tribute as a Programming Game
Dominik Budzki, Damian Kowalik, Katarzyna Polak
engineer thesis, 2023 [pdf]
Implementacja wybranych gier z zawodów programistycznych PIZZA na platformę CodinGame (in Polish)
(eng. Implementation of chosen games from PIZZA contest to CodinGame platform)
Rafał Tatarczuk
engineer thesis, 2022 [pdf]
Narzędzie wspomagające proceduralną generację poziomów dla gier typu roguelike w systemie Unity (in Polish)
(eng. Supporting tool for procedural generation of levels for games of roguelike genre in Unity engine)
Vladyslav Yablonskyi
engineer thesis, 2022 [pdf]
Implementation of timber volume control using photogrammetric technique
Szymon Kosakowski
engineer thesis, 2022 [pdf]
Combining Evolutionary Algorithms with Monte Carlo Tree Search for Game AI
Dominik Kowalczyk, Bartosz Stefaniak
engineer thesis, 2022 [pdf]
Programistyczna gra robotów - algorytmiczne zawody AI z niepełną informacją (in Polish)
(eng. Programming robot game - algorithmic AI competition with imperfect information)
Jacek Bizub, Kamila Kubala
engineer thesis, 2021 [pdf]
Artificial Intelligence for Strategy Card Games: Search and Content Generation
Radosław Miernik
master thesis, 2021 [pdf]
Czynnik ludzki, a statystyki - sztuczna inteligencja do gry Fantasy Premier League (in Polish)
(eng. The human factor versus statistics - artificial intelligence for the Fantasy Premier League)
Dawid Paluszak
engineer thesis, 2021 [pdf]
Ewolucja mety gry Hearthstone przy użyciu frameworka SabberStone (in Polish)
(eng. Evolving Hearthstone Meta using the SabberStone Framework)
Kamil Michalak
engineer thesis, 2021 [pdf]
Implementacja i omówienie algorytmów analizujących dźwięki z perspektywy porównywania utworów (in Polish)
(eng. Implementation and analysis of audio processing algorithms in recording comparison approach)
Alicja Danilczuk, Klaudia Osowska
engineer thesis/bachelor thesis, 2021 [pdf]
Dynamic Deck-dependent Strategy Adjustment for Collectible Card Game Arena Mode
Dawid Barzyk
bachelor thesis, 2020 [pdf]
Hardware Acceleration for General Game Playing using FPGA
Cezary Siwek
master thesis, 2020 [pdf]
Implementation of collectible card Game AI with opponent prediction
Marcin Witkowski, Łukasz Klasiński, Wojciech Meller
engineer thesis, 2020 [pdf]
Implementacja Gry Programistycznej Roguelike na platformę CodinGame (in Polish)
(eng. Roguelike Game Implementation for CodinGame platform)
Kamila Adamczyk
engineer thesis, 2019 [pdf]
Procedural Generation Of Geographically Consistent Worlds And Biomes
Krzysztof Bednarek
bachelor thesis, 2019 [pdf]
Generowanie nieskończonych poziomów jaskiń przy użyciu Automatów Komórkowych (in Polish)
(eng. Generating Infinite Cave Levels using Cellular Automata)
Cezary Kosiński
bachelor thesis, 2019 [pdf]
Evolutionary Algorithms for Strategic Card Games
Radosław Miernik
engineer thesis, 2019 [pdf]
Proceduralne generowanie zawartości dla klasy Simplified Boardgames (in Polish)
(eng. Procedural content generation for Simplified Boardgames)
Łukasz Żarczyński
master thesis, 2018 [pdf]
Wykorzystanie sztucznej inteligencji w symulowaniu zachowań biologicznych (in Polish)
(eng. Utilizing artificial intelligence to model biological behaviours)
Tymoteusz Kaczorowski
engineer thesis, 2018 [pdf]
Implementacja agenta do Visual Doom AI (in Polish)
(eng. Implementation of the Visual Doom AI agent)
Tomasz Musiała, Adrian Witek
bachelor thesis/engineer thesis, 2017 [pdf]
System for autonomous control of a racing car
Cezary Siwek
engineer thesis, 2017 [pdf]